Diane Nunn is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (LMFT) and has been supervising for 15 years, the past 9 of which have been at Penny Lane Centers. Currently serving as the Clinical Consultant for Penny Lane’s Enhanced Care Management program in North Hills, Diane has also supervised the Therapeutic Behavioral Services Program and clinic case managers, focusing on underserved populations. Diane is a facilitator of Penny Lane’s “Diversity Beyond the Basics” training series for staff and co-leads “Erase Hate” workshops at LAUSD elementary schools.
Throughout her career, Diane has worked to lift up clients and families through various programs including Outpatient, Intensive Services, Residential (adolescent and adult DD), Day Rehab, foster youth, and chemical dependency. Diane’s work focuses on helping others to generate positive energy through heartfelt communication to foster connection and mutual empathy to improve their lives as well as the world around them.