Rise Up Conference

Dr. Lester Powell
Dr. Lester Powell
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)
Dr. Lester Powell
Dr. Lester Powell, Ed.D., has been serving the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) since 2004, where he has worked as a special education teacher, special education administrator, assistant principal and is currently in his eleventh year as the proud principal of Tulsa School for Advanced Studies in Granada Hills. Dr. Powell earned his Doctorate in Urban Education from the University of Southern California in August 2019, focusing on the under-representation of African American boys in gifted programs in LAUSD. He is an active member of ACSA Region 16 and will be chairing the annual Lead With Pride Summit 2025. Additionally, Dr. Powell is committed to social justice as a member of Black Lives Matter, Los Angeles. He resides near Downtown Los Angeles with his husband, Bennie, their 14-year-old son, Alex, and their three dogs: Tank, Chase, and Jaxx.


What Were You Thinking?! Addressing Biased Language in Elementary Schools
It can be shocking to hear stories of some of the language used on elementary school campuses- particularly the use of racial slurs like the “N-word.” Educators and administrators are grappling with how to assess these incidents, determine appropriate interventions, and promote a welcoming and affirming environment for all students. This workshop will showcase a recently piloted anti-bias series for elementary students. Participants will gain insight into the series by participating in activities, hearing about lessons learned, and practicing skills for talking to children about biased language and slurs.